Exhibit 99.2
Reclassified Results by Business Segment due to Business Segment Restructuring

(In thousands) Full Year 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. Full Year
2022 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023
Private Banks:
Revenues (A) $570,010  $120,902  $132,414  $119,664  $123,337  $496,317 
Expenses 467,821  112,462  114,165  111,207  110,656  448,490 
Operating Profit 102,189  8,440  18,249  8,457  12,681  47,827 
Operating Margin 18  % % 14  % % 10  % 10  %
Investment Advisors:
Revenues 447,766  106,538  109,580  110,461  109,719  436,298 
Expenses 251,650  63,546  64,178  64,280  67,138  259,142 
Operating Profit 196,116  42,992  45,402  46,181  42,581  177,156 
Operating Margin 44  % 40  % 41  % 42  % 39  % 41  %
Institutional Investors:
Revenues 323,353  74,290  75,145  70,479  69,794  289,708 
Expenses 172,252  40,868  45,516  39,953  39,118  165,455 
Operating Profit 151,101  33,422  29,629  30,526  30,676  124,253 
Operating Margin 47  % 45  % 39  % 43  % 44  % 43  %
Investment Managers:
Revenues 599,661  154,497  159,204  162,982  168,571  645,254 
Expenses 381,965  101,685  103,213  103,585  110,713  419,196 
Operating Profit 217,696  52,812  55,991  59,397  57,858  226,058 
Operating Margin 36  % 34  % 35  % 36  % 34  % 35  %
Investments in New Businesses:
Revenues 50,247  12,892  12,714  13,173  13,437  52,216 
Expenses 73,432  17,639  17,015  18,265  17,826  70,745 
Operating Loss (23,185) (4,747) (4,301) (5,092) (4,389) (18,529)
Revenues $1,991,037  $469,119  $489,057  $476,759  $484,858  $1,919,793 
Expenses 1,347,120  336,200  344,087  337,290  345,451  1,363,028 
Corporate Overhead Expenses 168,164  31,152  32,369  30,997  37,723  132,241 
Income from Operations $475,753  $101,767  $112,601  $108,472  $101,684  $424,524 

(A) The 2022 full year Private Banks revenues includes one time early termination fees of $88.0 million from a significant investment processing client.